Monday, July 13, 2009


Jamie was born today. I was five years old. I have vague memories of seeing her in the hospital. I know my grandma was there to help. I do remember holding her. I did not know- nor would I know for many years- how deep the roots of our friendship and sisterhood would delve. Our move from Washington to California hurt us all- but especially Jamie. I wish that I would have been a better friend to her during that time. It is one of my deepest regrets. Watching my Mom battle breast cancer brought us together like nothing you could ever imagine. We didn’t have any family around and we were all we had to lean on. But I could have been kinder- more compassionate- more loyal to my dear sweet sister. It makes my heart hurt to think of the many cutting remarks I made to my sweet blue eyed- blond haired little sister who adored me- and I thought she was such a pest! As we’ve grown and spent the last 11 years growing closer and appreciating each other a little more…I need to tell her- and the world- how amazing I think she is. She has been dragged through muck and come out stronger. She is now a voice for women and children and men- for families. I am so proud of what she is doing and what she has accomplished I’m sorry if this offends anyone- but she is my kids favorite! She lived with us on a few occasions so it can’t be helped- she knows them and loves them as if they were her own. Her love for them buoys mine on the hard days. I aspire to be as compassionate- caring- and fun loving as she is. . . She reminds me through her actions that children are to be loved and enjoyed. I love her with all my heart and I cannot imagine my life without her.


dots said...

Jamie is great! We love her too. I didn't know today was her birthday!! Happy Day to you Jamie!! I know how you feel about "regrets". I wasn't the nicest either, and am glad I can be a better friend to my sisters now.

Allison said...

I love your honest tribute to a wonderful sister.