Saturday, November 1, 2008


America, as it seems, is seeking for CHANGE. What scares me the most about this election is not the canidates themselves- but the fact that people are voting for this CHANGE with their eyes wide open. Good decent people are asking for this drastic change in our country. The Promised Land, the United States of America. The system of checks and balances was created under the hand of God- with the idea that our own personal freedom would ultimately remain intact.

While I realize it is a natural human instinct to be dissatisfied with the state we are in and to have the desire to better ourselves- or bring change into our lives- it is not meet that others should be providing the means to make these changes. Compare this to someone who wants to lose weight. The only person who can be blamed for not losing the weight is that person themselves. "You made me eat 5 donuts-" would be very easy to see through- quite apparent that the person seeking for change does not have a strong enough desire to make this change themselves.

So America has some problems. My family is right smack in the middle of the healthcare problem. As self-employed healthcare providers we literally see both ends of the stick. And with a smile each month we send hundreds of dollars to our health insurance- and still have a $10,000 deductible. With a smile- because it is our choice to do this. And no one should have the right to take this choice away. I am quite sure that if the founding fathers knew- I'm going to openly revise that sentence because I am positive that they do know- what this system has come to they would strongly oppose the idea of the government taking away my freedom of choice.

The checks and balances are very unbalanced if it has come to someone telling me what to do with the money that I have earned. They are very unbalanced if we are letting thousands of people into this country for a free ride. That is not what the USA was founded upon. Those immigrants who flooded into this country hundreds of years ago were hard working pious people who scrimped and saved and prospered. They truly changed their lives by their own accord. They did not care what the world thought of them- only the judgments of a just God.

I know that we are blessed. I understand our responsibility to reach out and help those in need. But the more we make changes for people- instead of allowing them to make changes and reap the rewards (a changed environment to live in- a changed body- and changed perception- a changed education) the more it seems that we are moving away from a DEMOCRACY and towards- TOTALITARIANISM!

Change requires sacrifice on the part of the person making the change. I have to give up a dollar to get a pack of gum---it's that simple. It's that scary. People want- have come to expect- the gum for free. And we will get free gum- it will be bland- we won't get to choose the flavor- nor when to spit it out and get a new piece of gum. No one will be motivated to create new gum because there will be no rewards and therefore...CHANGE as we are now imagining it will come to a complete and utter hault. CHANGE! Ha! Ha! We're going to get CHANGE alright. Let's see how America likes it.


Yin said...


Amy said...

You go Stacey! Speak your mind and tell like it is. I hear ya and am totally agreeing.

Paul and Angela Baird said...

I like gum!!!!! (I'm such a dumb ass, I know!!!)

Lisa said...

It's scary.

David Wan-Hau Chan said...

Right on, Stacy, I am thankful for the true gospel which teach us to do what is right and let the consequence follow. Be of good cheer, God is on our side and He will watch over the affair of men and blesses His children accordingly. Keep up your good works, we love you.