Thursday, August 28, 2008

School starts!

The first day of school was Tuesday, August 26th. Emma marched confidently off to first grade and James sauntered smugly into third. They both came home happy and excited about teachers, classmates, recess... I feel more and more the blessing of good schools and good teachers. My little precious people are away from home for 7 hours- I can't imagine feeling insecure about where they were- it really makes me question uprooting my little clan???
Adam woke up Wednesday morning in quite the mood. He was not going to get dressed- he was not going to go to school- he was not going to eat breakfast- HE WAS NOT GOING TO GO TO SCHOOL! The more you fight him the angrier he becomes- so I said a little prayer and walked away. An hour later he was dressed and fed- but he was still NOT going to school. I really didn't know what to do because Adam can be very stubborn and I wasn't going to drag him kicking and screaming into the school. We had a few minutes so I asked him what he wanted to do- play uno & not go to school:) So we played a game of Uno- and I was prepared to play another when he jumped up and said, "I want to go to school now Mom. I love Miss Jan!" Wow! I was so relieved! It was a beautiful moment. And he went shyly into school- and I think had a good day, trying to be brave without his best cousin Ashton. Kyle will definitely miss Adam- they are good playmates!

My heart aches as I send my kids off every day...but I must say...I HAVE GOTTEN SO MUCH DONE THIS WEEK!! Wooo-hooooo!

Funny things I've heard the last few days---

Adam went potty- I went in to help--
Mom: "Man- Alive Adam...stinky!"
Adam: "Are women alive Mom?"

I can't remember the other one!


Allison said...

You are such a great example of mothering. I'm sure I would have tried to talk him into about how fun it would be. How good of you to take time for the Uno game. Inspired....and you were listening.

Is Kyle loving his one on one time? Tanner just wants to hug and tickle all morning long! It's great!

dots said...

I love Kyle's cheese!! SO CUTE!!

Lisa said...

james looks all grown up with braces! all your babies are so cute.

Paul and Angela Baird said...

The first day is always a little sad for me, but then I get over it! Tee Hee! Isn't it amazing that our little people are in school. It seems like yesterday we were playing baseball outside your apartment in Sunnyvale and feeding the kids burnt cookies. Where has the time gone? They're growing soooo fast. Can't wait to see them all in April! Have a wonderful, productive day!!!! Are you doing anything fun for Labor day?

Amy said...

You are so patient, what a great example you are to me! Your kids are beautiful and I hope they have a great school year.