Friday, August 22, 2008


I have to clarify that we did not drive 8 hours just to go to Forks. My sister is starting graduate school at Seattle Pacific University in September and had a few things to take care of on Saturday- and my Mom was flying in from New York City late Sunday night- so we had all day Sunday to kill some time. And it was worth every moment. Forks is a dumpy little town- very excited to greet anyone who is "vampire hunting"- but the drive from Port Angeles to Forks is an amazing drive around Crescent Lake. The water was so blue and inviting. Unfortunately it was a beautiful sunny day so we didn't spot any vampires- we did see a lot of dead deer though so they must not be too hungry this week:) We ate at Bella Italia- and I guess Stephanie Meyer had been there just a couple of weekends ago! As we headed back to catch the ferry to the mainland we realized it was Sunday night- and everyone was headed back so we had a long wait for the ferry (talk about wasting gas! you have to leave your car on the whole time- about 1 1/2 hours- as you inch along!) But it was actually very refreshing to just sit and stare at the green and smell the exhaust--And of course the time spent with a dear sister is completely invaluable!


Allison said...

Hehe! What a fun and fanciful trip! Is that a FORKS sweatshirt you're wearing? So fun!

Amy said...

You love Bella and Edward a lot more than I realized. I'm glad you're having fun with it! Call me sometime because I would love to talk to you.

Paul and Angela Baird said...

I wish I could have come with you. Why didn't you just go to Edward's house? Ah Geeeeee. Aren't you sooooo happy that the movie's coming out earlier????? Yipeeeee!!!! Sure love ya'!

Lori said...

Wow, so jealous!
And by the way, the wasting of finite resources is everyone's business...

wind runner said...

Lori, there's a reason why we get along so well!- well, more then one reason...:)

Paul and Angela Baird said...

Just got your postcards. Thanks for sending them. La Push is soooo pretty. Did you spend any time in Port Angeles?