Saturday, April 25, 2009

I lied...

Not so eager to get back into the routine. Our vacation was out of this world perfect! I couldn't have dreamed up a better experience! I cried Friday morning when we woke up and I knew it was our last day in paradise. Just a few pics...maybe more when I'm not exhausted- whenever that is:)

Lego Land: New York City

Disney Days:

Kyle couldn't stop looking at Lightning McQueen! He even gave him a kiss!


Lisa said...

I'm glad you guys had so much fun and that no one got sick!!

Allison said...

Oh, what a teaser! I can't wait to hear about all the details!

Things I love about the pictures:

Kyle who couldn't be torn away from McQueen!

Kyle holding James' hand SO tight with Capt'n Hook!

How come you look cute in shorts and tennis shoes and I look like a dork???

Glad you had so much fun....and glad you're home! :)