Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Goodbye January!

I'm a little intimidated by all the great blogs I've been reading for the last few months, but I'm also inspired by all you amazing Moms. So here goes, I'll add my two cents to the bunch...I have never been so relieved that January is almost done. It is definitely the longest month of the year! And I already see hope that we are not stuck in a dark time warp! As I was driving home around 4:00 last night there was still a faint amount of light in the sky! I noticed and shouted for joy! And my kids thought I was totally crazy.

For those friends/family who don't know our little girl will be getting her tonsils out next Thursday morning. So keep her in your prayers for us! After going to speech therapy for the last few months we discovered she has very large tonsils that are affecting her speech! So we are hoping this will help her progress and get her ready for school in the fall! We'll keep everyone posted as to how it goes!


Allison said...

I actually also did a little "hooray" of my own yesterday when it was after 4:20 or something and it was still bright nice! I'm longing for springtime!!

Lee said...

Good luck with the tonsils, she will recover quickly. My little man did it at 3 1/2 and two days later was back to normal. They are resilient.